Loan Pools
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In this platform, users contribute their assets to a large liquidity pool called the Mortonn liquidity pool. This pool can provide loans to other users, and traders/lenders can share the interest that borrowers repay to this pool. When users provide assets, they receive Mor or any other cryptocurrency as tokenized liquidity certificates. Mor is a BSC on-chain token that can be redeemed for its underlying assets at any time. In this way, Mortonn allows users to borrow cryptocurrency assets by using Mortonn assets as collateral. One of the advanced features of the loan pool contract is the standardization of loan positions. When users deposit assets, they receive a corresponding amount of Mor, which represents the deposited liquidity share and accrues interest based on the deposited underlying assets. Mor is minted at deposit, its value increases until it is redeemed or liquidated, and it is destroyed. Whenever a user opens a borrowing position, the Mortonn used as collateral is locked and cannot be transferred.