How can a 1% daily return on investment be achieved?
Mortonn has its own platform, the Mortonn Exchange, which enables higher daily trading volumes through a large number of trader nodes using robot grid trading. Traders can engage in loan transactions, and the trading platform charges a 2% interest rate on loans (2% for borrower interest and dynamic revenue rewards). At the same time, traders need to provide a 5% Mortonn Token as collateral for the platform.
Suppose Alice, a trader, needs to borrow 1000 USDT and needs to purchase an equivalent of 500 USDT worth of Mor tokens to proceed with the collateral. Alice borrows 1000 USDT and can trade on the platform. If the platform has a 35% drawdown, it means Alice's investment failed, equivalent to losing 350 USDT, resulting in a forced liquidation. The platform reserves Mor tokens (valued at 500 USDT market value) as a guarantee for risk control, ensuring that investors' money will not be lost.
Mor Token serves as the only designated collateral for the Mortonn platform. As more people need loans, the demand for Mor tokens will increase, which can contribute to the token's value growth and help support the 1% daily return on investment.
The purpose of Mortonn is to accurately assess digital assets and use them as collateral. When digital asset owners want to use the Mortonn evaluation engine to assess digital assets, all they need to do is select one or more Mortonn, and the platform will evaluate the maximum loan limit of the assets. If the user agrees to this loan term, the asset is locked in the Mortonn smart contract until the loan is fully repaid.
Users who want to apply for a loan using Mortonn assets only need to connect their wallets and select one for organizing. Then, the Mortonn evaluation engine calculates the borrower's maximum loan limit based on the desired loan term and offers two choices:
(1)Loan Market
This option is very similar to the Mortonn market. Users list their non-loan requirements in the loan market, and trading lenders can provide loans based on specific collateral. Trading lenders may be particularly interested in Mortonn and may offer better loan terms to borrowers. Sometimes, it may take some time until another community member is interested in your P2P loan. Then, borrowers may choose to request more loan funds.
(2)Loan Pool
Users only need to put their digital assets into the Mortonn loan pool, and based on the funds in the pool, they will almost immediately receive the loan directly into their connected wallet. This can appear in the form of the following tokens: BNB, Mor, BTC, USDC, USDT, or other cryptocurrencies. Users can freely choose the coins they want to receive based on collateral. After selecting their preferred option, users transfer their assets to the Mortonn smart contract and sign the transaction with their connected wallet. The specific Mortonn assets are then locked until the loan is fully repaid.
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